Video Mail?

Friday, February 8, 2008

Video mail is the newest and coolest thing! Instead of typing an email to friends and family far away, or close by. You can tell them what you need to and they can see you. I have personally tried it and I LOVED IT!

The digital problem: Today, our digital lives are scattered. You have music on CDs, MP3s and iPods. Your photos may be on your hard drive, on a photo storage website, or still on your digital camera. Your movies are on DVDs, saved as files on your computer, or still in your camcorder. And, you may be using one service for plain text email, a different service for IM, and yet another one for blogging.
The VMdirect solution: VMdirect’s exclusive web-based products are designed to help you manage your digital life. With so many ways to record our lives digitally, people need to manage their digital content from one easy to use application. helloWorld, available only through a VMdirect affiliate, is that application! Finally, it’s easy for all of us to create, publish, store and share our digital lives.

Check out Nance and Bob Kowalski's website for more details so you can get started using VIDEO MAIL TODAY!